Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 1: useless

in a place called Yamoto in the Miyage prefecture (where they had the biggest damage from the tsunami on March 11, 2011).

the first day was spent with dad and keisuke, not really with any purpose, but to just drive around and see what comes our way.

the feeling here is still quite complicated.
my dad came here to volunteer for a week in November of 2011.  the volunteer group-leader, caught in between the locals and us tourists, is reluctant to give us anything to do, and has asked us not to roam around too much.
we tried entering a small local restaurant last night and got turned away although it wasn't crowded inside.

still need time to digest what i've seen so far...but today i felt useless.
and it seems like we're not gonna feel useful in anyway for the time that we are here.

so for tonight, we decided to clean up this really dirty volunteer facility and cook dinner for the volunteer staff who've been living off of cup-o-noodles and conbini riceballs.

here are some pics from day 1:
bus ride up to Miyagi

clock stopped at the time of tsunami (school gym)

school gym where many families got caught in a whirlpool.



homes that survived


crows at the dump

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